Mr James Hand
Careers Leader

Mrs Jenny Large
Primary Careers Leader
This rationale is underpinned by the statutory guidance published in Careers guidance and inspiration in schools by the Department of Education in April 2017 and last updated in July 2021. It has been further modified in response to the changes through the Skills and Post-16 Education Act 2022 which came into effect in January 2023.
As Kings Priory School is an all-through school, careers advice is delivered in an age appropriate form. This begins in First School and culminates in the Sixth Form. Throughout the school the careers programme aims to consciously work to avoid stereotyping in all advice and guidance given. For example, the school actively promotes the engagement of girls in STEM subjects. Our Careers programme provides our young people with the skills and knowledge required to tackle the personal, social and health issues they face both today and, in the future.
Pupils will come across Careers as part of their discrete Personal Development lessons but it is also cleverly interwoven through all subjects where roles and careers will be discussed that link to the subjects being learned about. Kings Priory School works in partnership with the NELEP and other local partners to help develop the school’s careers programme. Dr Sam Whitehouse of Lightox and High Force Research reprises his role as Enterprise Adviser to continue to offer us expert insight from the world of work. We always welcome interaction with local businesses and technical education and apprenticeship providers. Any interested employer or education establishment should contact the school and speak with Mr Hand.