The aim of the Politics curriculum is to give students a knowledge and understanding of government and politics in the UK and the wider world. This will equip students to engage confidently and knowledgeably with political debate and current affairs, and to become politically aware citizens. We aim to train students to ask perceptive questions, think critically, weigh evidence, sift arguments, and develop perspective and judgement. Politics helps students to understand the complexity of society and government, the various forces and factors which influence politics and society, and the debates which have shaped and continue to shape the world we live in.
Subject Expert Photo

Mr David Leightley

Secondary Expert

The Politics curriculum empowers pupils to understand, explore and challenge the government and politics in the UK and the wider world.

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Key Stage Five

Key Stage Five Key Stage Journey
Key Stage Five Key Stage Journey

Year 12

12 Year Group Journey

Year 13

13 Year Group Journey