In Sociology at Kings Priory we encourage students to question the society we live in. Students are given the opportunity to question how social relationships, our interactions and institutions shape the world we live in and how society shapes us, our culture, norms, values and socialisation. Sociology supports the ethos statement of our school ‘opening minds, raising expectations, transforming lives.’ We encourage students to discuss and debate ideas and theories about society and evaluate the vast array of opinions on how and why society is formed. We have high expectations of our students academically, and provide them with the tools to achieve their highest potential whilst also encouraging them to demonstrate manners, respect and tolerance. This allows students to express themselves in a confident manner. ‘Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter’. (Martin Luther King Jnr)
Subject Expert Photo

Mrs Suzette Thompson

Secondary Expert

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Key Stage Five

Key Stage Five Key Stage Journey

Year 12

12 Year Group Journey

Year 13

13 Journey Coming Soon